WhatsApp is the most popular messaging platform across the globe and to remain at the top, the company keeps adding new features every now and then. Now, during the coronavirus outbreak, the company is adding features to help people in this global crisis. WhatsApp has recently launched new features and changes to combat the fake news in this crucial situation. Such as the possibility to verify forwarded messages on the web and video status limit decreased to 15 seconds in India. Further, to help users in the lockdown, the company is now introducing changes to its group call. Earlier, there was a limit of 4 participants in WhatsApp group calls and the company has been testing to add more participants in group calls. Now, WhatsApp has finally rolled out the possibility to add 8 participants in a group call (both voice and video).  Also Read: How to Make WhatsApp Group Calls on Android, iPhone This feature is currently rolling out to WhatsApp beta users on Android and iOS gradually. It might take some time for a wider rollout. Android beta users need to be on version 2.20.133, and iOS users need to install beta version

How to get this feature?

You need to update your WhatsApp Android and iOS beta version to the most recent one in order to get this feature to call more than 4 people at once. However, if you have already updated and don’t see it, you can reinstall WhatsApp. When you reinstall the app, the latest configurations from the server are downloaded and might enable the feature for you. Before uninstalling, make sure to back up your chat history. Also Read: How to become a beta tester for WhatsApp

If you are not on the beta?

As the feature has been started rolling out for WhatsApp beta users only, it may take some time to make it to the stable version. So, if you do not want to wait, here’s what you can do- You need to install the 2.20.133 Android beta APK file. For iOS, you can join the program via test flight. Download APK

How to make a group call?

If you want to make a group call to more than 8 people, you have two ways: i.) Open a group and tap on the ‘Call’ button. If the group has more than 4 participants, WhatsApp will ask which contacts you want to call. Otherwise, the call will directly start. Also, the group members that aren’t saved in your contacts won’t be added to the call. ii.) Open the Calls tab on WhatsApp and tap on the video or voice call button. Now, select new group call and here you can select the contacts to add in a group call.

Note: Other participants of the group call also need to be on the same version, else they will not be added in the group call. WhatsApp is gradually rolling out the update to all beta testers and in some time you all may receive it from the server.